2023 Year in Review

2023 was a year of growth for me! I made the decision along with my wife that it was time I went from being a part-time home inspector with a full-time W2 job to a real life Home Inspector! Committing fully to this business and my dreams of being financially independent.

Quarter 1

This first part of the year started better than expected. I was just meeting my inspection goals while still being able to manage my full-time work expectations. While starting to become a difficulty to balance I kept thinking that if I were able to save enough money, eventually I could quit work and just do this full time. I realized that I wanted to invest more effort into what I was building.

Quarter 2

April Started off great and I was able to meet my goals while still being able to take a trip with my wife. We had saved for a couple years and made an out of country trip a reality for us! April proved to be a turning point for me. When I got back from our trip the phone calls started pouring in. There are a couple things I can attribute this to:

1. A local inspector retired. This left a part of the market share open.
2. My online marketing was starting to work.
3. The market is changing, more buyer are insisting on getting inspections.

Ultimately, the increase in business is a blessing, but it came at a cost of not being able to go above and beyond with my full-time job. I like to think I am not the bare minimum kind of employee. It is important that I give it my all.

Quarter 3

OK, Now I am just excited. The phone keeps ringing and I am booking inspection after inspection. Each month better than the next. This does trigger my brain to want more. I start brain storming to think of more growth opportunity. At the end of September I make the big decision, and nerve wracking one at that for my wife, to put in my notice with my full-time W2 job. My goal that i set with my boss was to gradually step away and be fully out by the end of 2023.

Quarter 4

The plan is fully in place to do inspections full-time. This last quarter ends up being my best. Doubling my sales goals each month. Additionally I made the decision to invest in becoming a certified Mold Assessor. This makes the most sense to do it during a time where I can take PTO from my full time work and the person I am training to take over my job can cover me.

Ultimately the decision was made to stay at my W2 job doing pole barn estimates and fleet management tasks part time at a reduced pay rate. I expect to cover for my replacement when hey take leave as well.

2024 Goals

Even still I am not happy with settling on the business I have and I need to realize that nothing is guarantee in life. So I think it is important to focus on being the best inspector I can be while also diversifying my list of service in order to stay busy and be able to support my family.

  1. Mold Assessments: Growth of this service is my biggest focus. Changes in the real estate laws are now requiring seller to fill out a disclosure about mold in their homes. I am hoping that being one of the only few mold assessors in addition to being a home inspector will set me apart.
  2. New Certifications: The key to real growth in the inspection business is continually bettering yourself and knowledge. Adding new certifications such as HUD 203K Consultant, Part 107 Drone License, CSIA Chimney Inspector… and who else knows what.
  3. Increased Efficiency: If I want to do more inspection it is important that I am still completing thorough inspections but I am more efficient when doing my reports I am quicker at completing them. Re working my template for a better work flow I believe will help drastically. I don’t expect buyer/clients will notice a difference but I should. Taking the time to rework/reorganize my comments will make what I think is already an easy to read report, even easier.
  4. Social Media Presence: I often think about how I may be able to increase my client outreach. Buyer are much younger than I and making myself accessible to them is another way that I could be set apart from the competition. This will be by far the hard goal for me to reach. It is way out of my comfort zone to record myself.

If you stuck through reading this, I appreciate your time. I wrote it mostly for myself. I want to hold myself accountable to my goals and aspirations. A friend recently told me that a goal written is far more likely to be accomplished than a goal just dreamed about.