We are proud to partner with the following organizations:
Spectora is the leading online report writer for home inspectors. Their platform allows us to be efficient and provide you with a report that is comprehensive and easy to read as well as get you your report as quickly as possible to prevent any delays in the purchase of your new home.
InterNACHI is the worlds largest association of home inspectors. They provide ongoing training and in some cases state certification for home inspectors. We are proud to be listed as a CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL INSPECTOR with InterNACHI. When you have a home inspected by an InterNACHI certified inspector you can rest easy knowing your inspector have undergone extensive training to provide you with the best home inspection possible.
Air Things
We use the Air Things Corenitum Pro which allows us to offer you certified lab tested results for the amount of radon in your home. With this unit you can have your results in as little as two days. Makes sure you ask for your two day test today!
New to our list of services, we are now offering blower door testing for code compliance in new construction homes. If you are building a new home, expected to have your home tested to measure the amount of “air changes per hour” you can expect to see. The lesser the number means you will have a more comfortable home that is easier to heat and cool.
What better website than Zillow to browse all of the nearby listings? It can be an alternative to hopping from site to site. It will also help you find me, your new home inspector! Feel free to check out our profile by clicking on the picture below! And happy hunting!