Radon – Why Test for it?

Majority of people don’t even know what radon is and why they should test for it in their homes. Admittedly, I wasn’t all that sure until i started doing some real research after starting my training for home inspection.

The quickest and easiest answer as to why we should all test for it, IT IS DANGEROUS!!!. Just how dangerous is what we all should concern ourselves with. Fact of the matter is, Radon is known for causing Lung Cancer. If you are like me and live in NY; in particular Southern NY you should know that radon concentrations are quite high. Have a look at the chart below to see an approximation of radon levels throughout New York state.

NYS Radon Map

What is Radon?

Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. Radon gas is inert, colorless and odorless. Radon is naturally in the atmosphere in trace amounts. Radon comes from the breakdown of naturally-occurring radioactive elements (such as uranium and thorium) in soils and rocks. As part of the radioactive decay process, radon gas is produced.

What is a “safe” level of radon?

Well, TECHNICALLY, the only safe level of radon is NO radon. That being said, the EPA recommends your home have a mitigation system installed if the radon levels on the lowest floor of your home (usually the basement) reaches 4 pCi/L (picocurries per liter) or more. Typically, radon finds a mean of dispersion the higher it is in the home and is at its highest concentration on the lowest levels. Something to think about with finished basements.

A Few Radon MYTHS

Radon isn’t dangerous:
False.As I have talked about in the above, it is dangerous. We can not see or smell it and it has been directly linked to lung cancer. So in fact it is very dangerous.

Radon tests are expensive and take a long time:
False. For less than $100 you can have your home tested by a Home Inspector and have your results in about a week after your test was finished. The “canister” method takes approximately 2 days to complete and are then finalized by mailing the sealed canisters to an independent laboratory for testing. (Incoming sales pitch) Companies like All SPAR Home Solutions have equipment that can provide you a report in as little as 2 days. See what I did there?

Only some types of home need to worry about radon:
False. Radon does not discriminate. Not to the type of home you have nor the age. Even if the home was built recently the home should be tested.

Radon tests from a neighbor’s house are accurate indications of radon in your own home:
False. Like people, every home is different. Your neighbors home may already have a mitigation system or they could simply have a basement that is better sealed off than your own. The same can be said the other way around too. If your home has a radon level of less than 4.0, your neighbor may not be so lucky.

My Recommendation

I love asking myself these easy questions. Have your home tested. I fully intend on having my home tested and will follow up bi-annually with another test to make sure my levels stay safe. It is such an easy and inexpensive safety measure. I relate it to smoke and carbon dioxide detectors. Surely you have those in your home, you want to know when there is a fire, don’t you? The difference being that radon will sneak up on you like carbon dioxide and before you know it, you are feeling the effects.

Do you are your family a favor. Take the time to test for radon! It really could save a life… most likely, your own!