Now what? I find myself, asking myself that very question of almost every day. I never knew how much went into starting a business. Every day there is something new I learn about or think about that I didn’t the day before. Today, for example, I received an email from my “contact us” portion of my page. I was so excited I had a new prospect find my website. So excited in fact I dropped everything and went right to my email. I go to said email only to find it is someone trying to get me to buy a services for my website….
Now I have made quite a bit of progress on the site this week so what could this guy possibly think I need that I don’t already have?….. LIVE CHAT….. *thinking face*…. Well, maybe I do need that? Sure enough after about an hour of research and a few clicks of the mouse, wouldn’t you know it…. I can get that on my site making it easier for you to contact me nearly any time you like. I hadn’t thought about this feature prior to today but within moments of reading the sales pitch I HAVE to have this feature on my site. SO… if you are reading this you have probably noticed that I have indeed added that feature to my site. It was quite easy and I was able to find a free addon that does exactly what I wanted it to do (that doesn’t happen often… lol).
The point of all that is to say there is always SOMETHING next. Whether it’s perfecting a webpage, or continuing my classes, or calling on realtors, or, or, or, or……. (you get the idea). The key for me is to stay motivated. So far that has not been an issue for me since I am motivated by the simplest thing in life, money. For me it is all about giving my kids and I the life I feel we all deserve. That has truly driven me to want to make this endeavor succeed. I have given a lot of thought about how much, or how little I want to diversify myself. The more I think about taking on, the more I have come to realize that it will be counter-productive to what I want my end results to be. Sure, I may earn more money but at what expense? Surely the expense will be time lost. Time lost with my kids, playing games, talking about school, life, and teaching them life lessons that I would have wanted my dad to teach me.
So, for now at least, I will continue to focus on home inspections and most anything that revolves around that world. As a secondary service, I would like to take on some project consultation work. I feel like both options allow for flexibility and allow for me to have the ever so important “me time”.
Class work:
This week we focused on roofs and exterior walls. Personally, I didn’t learn a lot of new information in that regard. What I did learn was what is required of me as a home inspector in regards to these home systems, and how I can help you, a buyer, understand what you need to know to make the best decision possible.
I’m quite exited about our mock inspection scheduled this weekend. It is a duplex and this will be the first of those I’ll have the pleasure of inspecting. Unfortunately, I don’t get credit for 2 (if only!!!)! After this mock inspection I’m told we will be inspecting a 4 unit property. I am sure that will take a fair amount of time and make for some great practice!
Below are a few diagrams of what we’ve focused on. If you have any questions about these or any other system of your home, reach out… better yet, Use that live chat button that I am so gosh darn proud of!

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